Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lesson using the Engagement Theory

Just posting an example of a learning activity that I could design using the 'Relate, Create and Donate collaboration engagement theory' by Kearsley and Shneiderman (1999).
Creating a PowerPoint on the Local Area
Relate: Students begin by discussion the criteria for the task in small groups and changing the criteria so the class can come together and agree on it as a whole class.
Engage: Students go on an excursion, walking around their local area taking photos and notes and having organised interviews with locals that can be used for their PowerPoint. Students come back together in their groups and research the local area online, putting together the information they need, creating their PowerPoint and evaluating their PowerPoint in terms of the agreed criteria.
Donate: Students post their PowerPoint online and perform a group presentation in front of the class of their groups PowerPoint.
So what do you think? I am only a beginner when it comes to online type lessons, so critique all you want.
From Paul Jak.

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